About Liberty Supplies
Welcome to Liberty Supplies, your premier source for wholesale horse supplies, specialising in handmade hay nets and rings.
Founded by Helen Davey in 2014 after experiencing ongoing issues with hay rings that were available on the market for her own horse that suffered from a lung condition, she wanted a hay ring that would keep her hay dry but was less confined than what was currently available. Helen's dedication turned this idea into a thriving business with the creation of a 'flat packed' hay ring that could be easily assembled by horse owners and that could be sent across Australia. Liberty Supplies expanded to offer high-quality hay nets, becoming a trusted resource for equestrians. In December 2023, Jordyn took ownership, as a long term customer she wanted to continue Liberty Supplies with their innovative designs and well known brand. As director, Jordyn is committed to upholding the legacy of excellence in horse care and the values Helen established. Join us on this journey to enhance your horse's well-being. Discover the difference at Liberty Supplies.
Jordyn & Liberty Supplies.
About Jordyn
My name is Jordy House and I am the proud owner of Liberty Supplies.
Despite growing up in a non-horsey family in regional Western Australia, horses have been a huge part of my life since I was 11 years old. After moving to Perth, I was fortunate enough to show my horses at a national level and even qualified for worlds as an amateur rider! I have had some really special horses in my life, like Charary Power of One, and I currently have a young horse in training.
I went to university as a mature age student and graduated with a double degree in Animal Science and Animal Health, with Honors in Crop and Pasture Science. My thesis, titled "Feeding Value and Antimethanogenic Potential of Novel Pasture Legume Species," was funded by CSIRO, DPIRD, GRDC, and Murdoch Uni and was published in the Australian Animal Science Journal.
When I am not working on Liberty Supplies, I love chatting about animal nutrition, pastures, and everything in between.